Category RO Water Purifier System Model
- The common 5 to 8 stages of RO water purifier systems:
- Stage 1: PP 10” – 5 mic
- Stage 2: OCB 10” / UDF 10”
- Stage 3: CTO 10”
- Stage 4: RO membrane of choice
- Stage 5: T33 – Post Carbon Filter
- Stage 6, 7, 8 (Optional): Mineralized Filter / Alkaline Filter / Nano Silver Filter
- Capacity: 50 / 75 / 100 GPD
- Storage Tank: Steel / Plastic / Plasteel 3.2 to 5.0 Gallons
- Solenoid Valve: Douer
- PENCA booster pump: 24V
- Electricity Condition: 200 – 224V, 50 – 60 Hz
- Filters & Housing are made in Vietnam
- Quick fittings
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